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Re: Processed: Forwarding to the technical committee

On 10614 March 1977, Steve Langasek wrote:

> [as a personal note, I think I'm really hating that -ctte is turning into
> -legal over this... :/]

We can move it elsewhere if you want. But going to -legal probably gets more
flame into this. :)

>> It was released under GPL. He may change that for the future, and if we
>> fork he may also make license statements that we arent allowed to merge
>> code from him into our fork, but he cant really stop us from forking it,
>> if we follow GPL.
>> He can try, of course, but I dont think we would lose that battle.
> AFAIK, the question "can the GPL permissions on a work be withdrawn?" is an
> unsettled one, and the answer may vary by jurisdiction.

Yes, unfortunately I trust judges to be uninformed enough to have true
randomness in decisions. I personally would think you can't revoke GPL
for a old version, only if you release a new one use a different license
for that, but well...

> So it's clear that he has neither the legal nor moral authority to stop us
> from forking mkisofs, but for cdrecord neither is clear.  Even if we could
> win a legal challenge over cdrecord, I'm not sure we would be in the right
> morally.

mkisofs and cdda2wav are safe, yes.
Oh man, i hope it wont ever go that far. :()

bye Joerg
<aba> bah, it's raining ugly here. We can release today, I won't leave
	  home in any case :)

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