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Debian 11 AWS Marketplace product for the ap-south-2 region

Is there anyone that can enable/allow this AMI in the ap-south-2 region?

For reference here is my post on the Debian Forum asking this very same question. 


Currently there isn't an "aws-marketplace" AMI owned by Debian for the the ap-south-2 (Hyderabad) region. All the other regions that I require have this AMI already available, but ap-south-2 just doesn't. AWS support has sent me here to ask if someone from Debian can enable or provide an AMI for this region. The marketplace code that needs to be enabled is "9m3tff1jneeyfykcbnsnmkbz6".

There is a Debian 11 AMI in that region (ami-01878b164ca30ca21). 

This AMI doesn't work in my situation since I build my AMI's from the Official Debian provided image (ami-004f16854bfadde0a, debian-11-amd64-20240211-1654-a264997c-d509-4a51-8e85-c2644a3f8ba2) from the us-east-1 region and then copy/share them into other regions and accounts that we require. One of those regions being ap-south-2 Hyderabad. 
You can see this by going into the AWS Marketplace and selecting Debian 11, then select Launch New Instance -->> Then in the drop down of regions you will NOT find the ap-south-2 region.

Since I was able to share/copy my AMI from us-east-1 into ap-south-2, I can select that AMI in ap-south-2 and attempt to launch an instance from that AMI, I get the following error.

The instance configuration for this AWS Marketplace product is not supported. Please see the AWS Marketplace site for more information about supported instance types, regions, and operating systems.

And AWS Support tells me to come here to see if anyone can help check the box that will "enable" this Marketplace AMI in the ap-south-2 region.

Here is their official response:

As said before, unfortunately, from our side we can’t ask for anything since this AMI is 100% owned by Debian and these decisions are made at the sole discretion of the third-party seller.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!!


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