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Re: Stretch EC2 information doesn't appear to be correct

(I forgot to reply-all on my last message, sorry about that!)

On 2/28/2018 1:59 AM, Noah Meyerhans wrote:
> I've avoided that since we (Debian) have no control over the account
> numbers used. I don't know whether or not they're stable from month to
> month. However, I don't have any reason to believe they actually do
> change the account IDs they use. So I'll consider making the update.
It seems reasonable to me that they wouldn't change often.  If they do,
I'd read that as a red flag that something nefarious may be going on.
So listing them would, I think, be a good idea.  It would help us figure
out if someone is trying to mimic the official images.

As an aside, thanks to the entire cloud team for managing these images.
We've been using them for about a year now.  I know this kind of
behind-the-scenes work can be thankless, and just wanted you to know
that it's much appreciated.

Chris Howie

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