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Re: Review of debusine's autopkgtest related API


I hope this doesn't derail the thread too much, but regarding this point:

On 2023-10-14 07:31, Paul Gevers wrote:
> * ensure you can change the timeouts of autopkgtest
>   [...]
>   o ideally per source package, as some tests run successfully, but just
>     take long, or just take long to unpack (so maybe even per timeout
>     type). E.g. we have had to block libreoffice on nearly all our
>     architectures because it's too big to startup on some hosts (also
>    too slow disks). Ubuntu has a big_package list for this [1].
>   [...]

Having run into this issue myself, I wonder whether the autopkgtest
maintainers would be interested in extending the spec to support hints
for the CI infra, so that maintainers could specify e.g.:

  test-timeout: 30m

So basically, instead of (or in addition to) CI infra operators to
maintain their own lists like [1] below, for package maintainers to be
able to proactively suggest performance constraints.

The benefit would be that being part of the package, other testers (eg:
teams with their own CI; CI of derivative distributions) would also have
access to this information, whereas lists such as [1] are operator-specific.

> [1] https://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-release/autopkgtest-cloud/+git/autopkgtest-package-configs/tree/big_packages


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