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Bug#845925: autopkgtest boostrap qemu

Control: tag -1 pending

Hello Attila,

SZALAY Attila [2017-08-13  9:19 -0400]:
> I'm not 100% sure, but I have the feeling that this depends on your
> host environment. Because, I think, the debootstrap copies the
> /etc/resolv.cong file as-is to the chroot environment.

Right, so this is ought to be fixed in debootstrap itself, IMHO. But I'm fine
with a workaround in setup-testbed for the time being.

> So, my solution was, as a dirty hack, to copy the content of the
> /etc/resolv.conf into the chroot. Something like this what is attached
> to this email.

I experimented with bind mounts and other more robust approaches, but not
successfully. So I went with your approach, just slightly more compact and
robust: https://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/autopkgtest/autopkgtest.git/commit/?id=ba3123ca0f


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