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testing individual autopkgtest tests

Hi Martin,

On 01/19/17 08:30, Martin Pitt wrote:
>   test/autopkgtest NullRunner.test_foo

Thanks, that really helped.

I now solved the issue with the test, I needed to update it, but it took
an awful lot of time to find it (my bad).

Other question, have you ever thought about making python commands also
work properly in the chroot during testing? Today I was bitten for the
second time that if you do stuff with python commands instead of shell
commands, you are not looking in the chroot, but on the host system.
This obviously works for autopkgtest, but not for the autopkgtest
running autopkgtest. If you haven't consider this, would you have an
idea on how to do that? If you have, what is the argument against it?
(Just adding /usr/bin/python3.5 to the list of install_elf packages
doesn't do the trick).

E.g. I'd like to use "os.listdir('/etc/apt/sources.list.d') ..." instead
of "self.check_exec(['sh', '-ec', 'ls /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*.list
2>/dev/null || true'], stdout=True).strip() ..."


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