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Re: Problem running Chinput and zwinpro

On Fri, Aug 20, 1999 at 02:09:43PM -0400, Yifang Dai wrote:
|The version is chinput-1.4.1-2, I think you packaged it for potato :). I've tracked down
|the problem, (by changing the source code), the problem is chinput is not get the 
|HZINPUTDIR correctly. For some reason, it's trying to find the PY.cit under 
|regardless what I've put in the Chinput(.ad) file. So I just made a simbolic link from 
|/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/cxterm.dic/gb to /usr/X11R6/lib/X11//gb, and chinput works fine now.

I can't reproduce this bug :(  I tested with a new user but I can use
chinput and wrap.so successfully. Which part of the code did you
AFAIK, there's no effect in changing the resource files in
/usr/X11R6/lib/X11/app-defaults. For them to take effects, the sysadm
need to copy the necessary ones to /etc/X11/Xresources

|> |While for the one packaged in zwinpro, after I change the font from ccs16 to hanzigb16st,
|> |chinput just seg fault without output.
|> Hmm... give me some more time <grin> (I don't have much time to look
|> into it)
|I think for this one, I think the problem is in the Chinput.ad file also, it has
|chinput.dictionary:     /usr/dict
|chinput.inputmethod:    ZNPY
|chinput.association:    simple.lx
|right now, but /usr/dict doesn't exist, should it come with zwinpro or it belongs to some 
|other program? 

looks like /usr/dict should be /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/cxterm.dic
oh, that makes zwinpro not a totally free package as it depends on
cxterm :(

|Another question for you, when we run netscape under chinputwrap, does netscape has to be
|glibc version? and dynamicly linked? 

I don't know if it has to be glibc or not, but it should be
dynamically linked, otherwise wrap.so can't 'replace' the necessary
X function calls to make it display Chinese.

Anthony Wong.   [ E-mail: hajime@asunaro.dhs.org / ypwong@debian.org ]

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