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Re: about language

[Forwarding to debian-chinese...]

On Mon, Jul 05, 1999 at 02:20:55PM +0800, Di.Wang wrote:
|Can I use GB2312 code chinese to translate the *.wml file?
|Alex Wang

Hi Alex,

Sorry to reply so late.

It is ok to use GB2312 to do the translation. BUT, the WML files in
the CVS must be in Big5.

The reason is, we don't keep separate WML files for Big5 and
GB, so we should store either Big5 or GB. We chose to store
in Big5, because conversion from Traditional Chinese Characters
to Simplified Chinese is ok, but the reverse is not.

I suggest you to translate by GB2312, then use conversion tools, such
as ccf or utf-converter, to translate the files to Big5. Then upload
the converted files up to CVS. Other people, probably me, will then
do some minor fixes to the Big5 WML file.

You can find ccf and utf-converter at

Anthony Wong.   [ E-mail: hajime@asunaro.dhs.org / ypwong@debian.org ]

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