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Re: Good news: A free and pretty complete Cantonese Input method

Wow ... That's really a good news ! :)

Anthony Wong wrote:

> Hi all,
> In 1992-93, the Linguistic Society of Hong Kong (LSHK) devised a new
> romanization method for Cantonese, and named it as Jyut6 Ping3 (¸f«÷).
> I've contacted them and they allowed us to use it freely, so we can
> use it as one of the Cantonese Input methods in our Chinese software
> like xcin, chdrv, cxterm, etc.
> For more info about Jyut Ping, please see
> http://ctlhpan.cityu.edu.hk/lshk/jyutping/index.html
> As I can't see anything personal in the mail from Peter Tung,
> who compiled the Jyut Ping romanization file, I attached it
> below:
> ----- Forwarded message from Peter Tung <ENPTUNG@cityu.edu.hk> -----
> Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1999 15:42:50 +0800
> From: Peter Tung <ENPTUNG@cityu.edu.hk>
> Subject: Jyutping Phrase Box downloadable from the LSHK website
> X-Sender: ENPTUNG@mail.cityu.edu.hk
> To: ypwong@debian.org
> Dear Mr. Wong,
> Thank you for your interest in the jyutping phrase box that
> you downloaded from the website of the Linguistic Society of Hong
> Kong.  This phrase box was actually compiled by me in 1993 and
> I am therefore the "copyright owner" of this phrase box.  After
> consulting other members of the LSHK concerned with the promotion
> of the use of jyutping, I am happy to report that you are free
> to use the phrase box AS IS for your projects, commercial or
> otherwise, provided you add the following acknowledgement to your
> products for distribution:
> "The jyutping scheme was devised by the Linguistic Society of Hong
> Kong (LSHK), and the compiler of the phrase box is Peter Tung
> (email: enptung@cityu.edu.hk)".
> I should also alert you of the existence of a much larger database
> of jyutping encodings of Chinese characters, which is however not
> publicly available presently in the form of a phrase box that can be
> downloaded from the LSHK website.  You are invited to browse through
> the jyutping guide (book) published by the LSHK for an idea of the
> larger database.  If you keep us up to date on what you are doing
> with the above phrase box, the LSHK may decide to make an updated
> phrase box available to you.
> I wish you all the best in your endeavours.
> Peter Tung
> ----- End forwarded message -----
> I'm now preparing a .cin file for xcin, my preliminary version is
> working quite well :)
> --
> Anthony Wong.   [ E-mail: hajime@asunaro.dhs.org / ypwong@debian.org ]
> --
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Alvin Chiu [LittleBottle]
ICQ: $37DDA1

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