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RE: how could i get the hexadecimal content in memory at address FFFF0000-FFFFFFF0?

>---- Original Message ----
>From: minxinjianxin@gmail.com
>To: coreboot@coreboot.org, debian-user@lists.debian.org,
>Subject: RE: how could i get the hexadecimal content in memory at
>address FFFF0000-FFFFFFF0?
>Date: Mon, 14 Jul 2008 16:02:42 +0800
>>I know from cpu manual that when machine starts, it executes
>>instruction at FFFFFFF0, and then execute some code at
>>FFFF0000-FFFFFFF0, i hope i can get these machine code directly from
>>my memory, any tool to help me display the hexadecimal or binary
>>Shanghai, China

The hex values are the "usual" output of any low-level debugger. 
Google for Linux debugger and take your pick
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