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Re: linux in chinese ...

On 06/06, Arne Goetje wrote :
> > I don't have a 100% chinese environement with my debian ...
> > My purpose was to learn Chinese
> ??? then why do you want to have a chinese Linux? The same software which is 
> on RedFlag, Redhat, Mandrake and so on also exists for Debian.
> The question in which language the messages, menues and GUI are displayed 
> depends on the fonts and locale settings.

that's completely true except that :
wu: wu$ locate /locale/zh_TW | grep \.mo$ | wc -l
wu: wu$ locate /locale/fr/ | grep \.mo$ | wc -l

William. clef-PGP : http://william.wu.free.fr/wu.asc
Le mot " long " est plus court que le mot " court ". C'est dingue, non ?
                -+- P. Gel?k in "Le chat" -+-

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