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Re: New Mirror: St. James R-1 School District

Due to some unforeseen changes that have come up, we are needing to pull our mirror off the list. We love supporting the open source community and hope to continue to. We are in negotiations with our DIA provider to possibly move the mirror to their datacenter and have them take responsibility/control for it. This would allow the mirror to be connected directly to the BGP routers that interface with the internet exchanges and provide a better experience for the end-users. I do not have a timeline for when this will happen but we are hoping before the end of Q2. I would say to go ahead and remove us for the time being and will reach out when that transfer happens.


Grant Brooks
Mirror Admin

On Mon, Sep 5, 2022 at 10:25 AM Mirror Admin <mirroradmin@stjschools.org> wrote:
Good Morning Debian Team,

We noticed an issue over the weekend with our load-balancer and had to change the public FDQN by removing the deb. in front of the sub-domain. I have provided the updated URLs below.

ISO Images:
HTTP: http://mirror.stjschools.org/debian-cd/

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Thank you,
Grant Brooks
Mirror Admin

On Thu, Sep 1, 2022 at 7:44 AM Mirror Admin <mirroradmin@stjschools.org> wrote:
Good Day Debian,

We are wanting to be added to the public mirror list for ISOs. We have HTTP & HTTPS (prefered) available and configured and we sync 6 times per day (every 4 hours). We can also provide rsync access if ever needed.

Network Information:
Bandwidth: 10G
ASN: 55140 (directly connected to the Kansas City / St. Louis Internet Exchanges)

Geo-IP Blocked Countries:

China, Cuba, Crimea Region of Ukraine, Iran, Iraq, Libya, North Korea, Russia, Sudan, Syria, Yemen 

ISO Images:

If you have any questions feel free to contact us.

Thank you,
Grant Brooks
Mirror Admin

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