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Bug#1010393: installation-reports: No swap partition which disables hibernate

Hi Pascal,

thanks a lot for your quick response.

Am Thu, May 19, 2022 at 10:31:41AM +0200 schrieb Pascal Hambourg:
> > When choosing "encrypted LVM option"  -> "using single partition"
> > (so no extra /home etc.) I end up with the following partitions:
> > 
> >     Partition 1 at /dev/nvme0n1 as ESP
> >     Partition 2 at /dev/nvme0n1 as ext2
> Partition 2 is the mandatory unencrypted /boot. There should also be an
> encrypted partition.

> > There is definitely no swap partition created.
> Of course not. "Guided with LVM" options create a swap LVM logical volume,
> not a swap partition.

OK, I tried again.  I confirm the automatic installer now created a
swap partition inside encrypted LVM (no idea whether I simply looked
at the wrong place this morning.)  However, that swap partition is
only 1GB thus way to small to enable hibernation of 64GB memory.
(See attached screenshot.)
I manually removed both partitions and recreated with 64GB swap.

The installation went on smoothly after this.

On the freshly installed system lsblk now shows

    ...vg-swap_1 254:1   0 59,6G  0 lvm    [SWAP]

Hmmm, it seems I need to add some more GB to enable hibernation since
this is my main purpose to create such a large swap.  Is there some kind
of formula how I need to size the swap space to enable dumping all

> The installer requires that the swap be encrypted if / is encrypted.
> IMO it is easier to use LVM inside a single encrypted volume.

This makes perfectly sense.

Kind regards



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