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Re: unbound 1.17.1 for bullseye-backports

06.04.2023 10:34, chriss wrote:

I'd like to submit unbound 1.17.1 (from bookworm) to bullseye-backports.

Currently I build it locally within a docker container and have it running on 2 different systems.

I have a set up an environment with sbuild (as mentioned @ https://wiki.debian.org/BuildingFormalBackports) but right now I cannot get it build with the instructions linked. Isn't there any simple step-by-step guide for an example dummy package?

sbuild just works to build backports packages. So the failure you see
is specific to your setup. Some packages needs more recent dependencies
than the ones available in bullseye, but not unbound, it is stright-forward
to backport it.

I always built unbound for bullseye the same way I upload it to unstable, -
to be used on our systems.  But I never thought it might be useful in
bullseye-backports.  Guess I can provide a backport just fine.


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