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Re: Request to fast track gitlab dependencies

 ❦ 21 décembre 2018 15:48 +01, Thorsten Glaser <t.glaser@tarent.de>:

>> The node package manager (npm) is a very important tool for people
>> developing nodejs applications, and many people were inconvenienced when
> Don’t *these* kind of people install npm outside of the package
> manager normally anyway?

On other platforms, it is usually bundled with node. Mac users are using
"brew install node". Arch users are installing it through "pacman -S
npm", FreeBSD users have it in their ports, Gentoo users have in their
tree, etc. For Debian/Ubuntu, there is a third-party repository. Myself,
I install it through nix. There is also nvm which is a kind of package
manager for installing a precise version of npm/node.
Habit is habit, and not to be flung out of the window by any man, but coaxed
down-stairs a step at a time.
		-- Mark Twain, "Pudd'nhead Wilson's Calendar

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