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Assistance with a uploading golang-google-cloud circular dependency into bpo8

Hi FTP masters.  I'm trying to upload some Go packages and I think that I need
some assistance in coping with a circular dependency.  The package I am trying
to uploads golang-google-cloud, but it has a circular dependency on the
golang-golang-x-oauth2 package.

golang-google-cloud has B-Ds on:

golang-golang-x-oauth2 has B-Ds on:

golang-google-api has B-Ds on:

golang-google-grpc has B-Ds on:

The key here is that the golang-google-cloud-compute-metadata-dev package is
produced by golang-google-cloud  Uploading this package by hand to the bpo8
archive will break the cycle.

Once the gl-go-compute-metadata-dev package is uploaded I can upload
gl-gl-x-oauth2, gl-google-grpc, gl-google-api and finally gl-google-cloud.

Is there something that I need to pre-arrange to get this to happen?  I'd like
to do that if possible.

Thanks everyone,


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