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Re: Libreoffice

On 03/16/12 22:58, Greg Madden wrote:
I have been using Squeeze-backports, my main  app is Libreoffice. A while back LO
ver 3.3.x was bumped to ver 3.4.x which caused me some issues. It has taken me
some time to realize the snapshots.debian stuff.  The cool deal, with snapshots I
can run ver 3.3.x which works here.

For anyone else wanting to use ver 3.3.x:

Here is my sources.list entry for the date just befor the changed happened:
deb http://snapshot.debian.org/archive/debian-backports/20111002/
squeeze-backports main

What exactly are the bugs?

Also there are libreoffice static builds available from Gentoo repos... you can download that extract and use directly.

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