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Re: Feature-request: WebM support for Squeeze

> Another reason why stable is not well suited for Desktops.

Yes, now I tend to agree. (previously, when I was using Debian as
"workstation", instead of "multimedia desktop" this issue never arose)
Only in Linux;
Other (non-free) stable OSes do not suffer from such problem, and are
suitable for Desktops.

"Short-release" cycles or so-called "rolling release" hurt stability.
(I say this after working few years with Fedora, which is known to
break every Monday and Thursday)

Difficult problem indeed...
Other OSes separate "core OS" from "extra" components, while both
"Backports" and "Testing" replace "core" components.

Well, something like "ZeroInstall" may be a potential solution in
Debian's case. It lets install latest-and-greatest side-by-side with
"core" components, at the expense of of duplicating some system libs
(such as Qt), which is an acceptable tradeoff for me.
With bigger "Backports" repo, this problem could be softened.

-Alexey Eromenko "Technologov"

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