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Re: Question regarding -v version in uploads

* Micha Lenk <micha@debian.org> [2010-02-14 14:36:50 CET]:
> Alexander Wirt wrote:
> > P.S: I'm currently thinking of dropping the requirement for
> > squeeze-backports, any opinions? 
> Personally I would appreciate if this requirement could be dropped.
> However, I don't know whether it is needed for proper version tracking
> in the BTS once backports.org becomes an official Debian service
> (if this is going to happen at all).

 Having it in the changes file is absolutely irrelevant for version
tracking, the BTS doesn't work with changes files but with changelogs.
For that I would rather expect that the next backports upload might need
the former backports upload's changelog entries - but I'm not so sure if
that would be really practical or work out.

 Have fun!

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