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[Backports-security-announce] etch-backports discontinued

Hi users,
Hi contributors,
as some of you may heard [1] the security support for etch terminated on
February 15th. That means that our support for etch backports also ends here.
Please don't upload to etch-backports anymore. The downloads are still
possible, but please remember that there is no support for them anymore. 

If you haven't updated yet, its now time to do so. Please remember that the
upgrade path from etch+etch-backports also includes lenny-backports, so please add this to your sources.list before upgrading to lenny.  

Thanks for your support of backports.org. 

Alex - ftp-master of backports.org

[1] http://www.debian.org/News/2010/20100121
Alexander Wirt, formorer@debian.org
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