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Re: Debian on TS-221: cannot power off

Hi Simon,
Hi Peter,

thanks for the information. To me it looks like the management PIC is
in some kind of weird state, since all the kernel does on shutdown is
send an `A` to /dev/ttyS1, which causes the NAS to be powered off [1].

Unfortunately I was unable to find a command reference for that chip. So
what I thought about is to install the original OS again and see what
it is sending to the PIC during normal operations and shutdown.

Until now thought I haven't found the time to do this though.


I was just about to install the original QNAP-firmware in order to get some hints about the shutdown problem. However, I though it would be a good idea to compare the behavior (during shutdown) before and after the installation.

It surprisingly turned out that the shutdown problem is gone. When pressing the on/off button for 10 sec the system is switching off as expected (no reboot).
... same situation for:   shutdown -h now

I have tried this out several times. I have no idea what has happend but everything is fine now :-)

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