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Two questions about installing Debian on a Thecus 2100 (-a-like)

I've just sourced an Evesham re-badged Thecus 2100 and would like to upgrade it to a full Debian installation. I've previously done the same with an NSLU2, but am interested in the potential extra speed of the Thecus.

Reading the lists it appears that the Debian installer is currently broken (4.0r1) but that it's possible to work around it. However, I find the instructions for the work-around a little sketchy.

As I understand it, you select expert mode (or set the message priority to low) and then give the name of the right kernel to install at the relevant point, but I can't find documented anywhere what the name of the right kernel is. Can anyone tell me? If you get it wrong at this point do you have a brick, or is there a recovery route?

Second question - my Thecus-a-like currently has an older version of the Firmware and I've read the instructions for upgrading to the current Thecus 2100 firmware. The installation instructions for Debian say to do this before starting the Debian installation, but...

I currently have access to the box by way of the ssh backdoor. Am I right in thinking that once I've upgraded to the current Thecus firmware I'll lose this back door? Is there any other way in then?

Thanks in advance,

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