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Re: requalification of arm as etch release architecture

On Mon, Oct 10, 2005 at 01:43:48PM -0500, Bill Gatliff wrote:

> Would love to become an official Debian Developer, but I'm mostly 
> focused on kernels and not packages per se.  If that's enough to get me 
> in, then would someone sponsor me?
> Alternatively, what packages need some help getting over the top?  I'd 
> be happy to take a look at them so as to get them moving again, 
> especially if that gets me onboard as a DD.  But I hesitate to be the 
> offical package maintainer long-term because kernel work keeps me pretty 
> busy.

I'm sure the Debian kernel team would be happy with you as a member.

Regards: David Weinehall
 /) David Weinehall <tao@debian.org> /) Rime on my window           (\
//  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   //  Diamond-white roses of fire //
\)  http://www.acc.umu.se/~tao/    (/   Beautiful hoar-frost       (/

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