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Re: Package port coordination and solicitation

On Fri, Nov 20, 1998 at 10:03:51PM -0800, Tor Slettnes wrote:

> On a related note, just having received maintainer account (and not
> related directly to the Netwinder per se): If the source of a package
> requires changes to compile on a Netwinder - how does one go about
> notifying the source maintainer / incorporating these changes in the
> source tree?

Apparently the best way to do this is to go ahead and do the NMU, adn
submit the diffs as a bug, as long as it's not too big a change.

dpkg-buildpackage -rsudo -m......

If there are no changes, do

dpkg-buildpackage -B -rsudo -m.....

to do a binary only package..

At least that's my understanding of things.
David Welton                          http://www.efn.org/~davidw 

	Debian GNU/Linux - www.debian.org

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