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Re: /etc/apache2/conf.d/security default for the release after lenny

On 11/05/2010 03:47 PM, Teodor MICU wrote:
> Hi,
> I've noticed that this paragraph is still a comment in the default
> conf.d/security file:
> # This currently breaks the configurations that come with some web application
> # Debian packages. It will be made the default for the release after lenny.
> #
> #<Directory />
> #       AllowOverride None
> #       Order Deny,Allow
> #       Deny from all
> #</Directory>

Isn't it defined by default in the default virtual host? <directory />
in the virtual host is the same as the global when it comes to security
except it's vhost specific denial.

The AllowOverride None has to go if it's to be enabled by default, most
users don't go optimise their apache installs that deep, deep enough to
disable htaccess period, but then again, the same users who say disable
htaccess are also not telling you to disable access logging too so to
each their own I guess.

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