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Bug#528062: apache2: mod_userdir is broken with respect to suexec support. patch included

Dnia 2009-05-10, nie o godzinie 19:43 +0200, Stefan Fritsch pisze:
> On Sunday 10 May 2009, Witold Baryluk wrote:
> > on one of my production system I'm using ldap_userdir which
> > borrowed code from mod_userdir. After some investigation (suexec
> > support was naccassary) that there is error in suexec handling, and
> > it existed many years unnoticed.
> > It was tested and works correctly. Please apply and notify upstream
> > if possible.
> Thanks for your patch. Please be a bit more verbose on what the actual 
> problem was and how it can be reproduced.
> Stefan

I will try provide simple example, but actually suexec configuration
isn't simple.

I have apache2 configured with mod_userdir + mod_suexec + mod_fcgid (for
runing php5-cgi in my case).

According to http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.2/suexec.html#usage
handling of /~baryluk/ should automagically work (by working, I mean fcgid scripts
are run under uid baryluk).

Currently this scripts are run under the www-data uid, because
as I first written mod_userdir.c is not working correctly (not to be honest,
not well tested - this error is sitting there very very long).

There is also some comments in patch. Author of mod_ldap_userdir.c can
also help, but first ask me about any problems. We don't need to bother
him. ;)

Hope this will help.

Witold Baryluk

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