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Re: Informations for packaging apache(2) third party modules

* Emmanuel Lacour (elacour@home-dn.net) wrote :
> Hi everybody,
> I'm working on packaging a new apache module for apache/apache2
> (www.suphp.org), and I try to find the best way for my postinsts/prerms
> scripts. I found the README.modules in apache-dev, but nothing for
> apache2-dev. So I looked at some other packages and saw that often they
> simply a2enmod without asking the user...
> AW, is there a place where I can find informations on packaging tools
> with dependendies on apache like apache modules. If there isn't such a
> place I would suggest to set up a simple page or wiki (I can do this)
> and add a link to Packaging section on "Developers' Corner" at
> www.debian.org.
libapache2-mod-macro is pretty much the simplest possible case for an
apache2 module.
get the source for that, and run with it.

That sounds like a lot of work... Can we out source?
The Revolution will not be outsourced!
(Slick/Monique - Sinfest)

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