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Re: running CUDA cards

On Tue, May 31, 2011 at 07:15:03PM +0200, Francesco Pietra wrote:
> Unlike CPU machines, where the computational software is "stable",
> with CUDA support the situation is highly experimental, changes
> rapidly and has requirements of recent OS support. New versions of
> NAMD every few weeks and even night builds. One of the goals is to
> have even energies computed by GPU. That to say that I would have no
> objection to install wheezy unless it is too much an adventure. It
> might well be that a new version of NAMD comes soon with requirements
> of libraries not available in squeeze. Finally, NAMD would be the only
> application installed on this dedicated machine so that if dramatic
> problems occur, there will be little to reinstall. I imagine that
> amd64 RAID1 support will be at least as good as with lenny. In this
> case, perhaps, hardware RAID1 would be better but it is too expensive.
> I plan to change from lenny to squeeze with the CPU workstation.
> Quantum mechanics unlike classical mechanics has no CUDA support yet
> (except with very expensive proprietary software, if it works at all).

Well most of the time testing is quite usable, so wheezy is not a
bad option.  It would give you much newer nvidia drivers and cuda
stuff easily.

RAID1 and such will work exactly the same in all the versions.

Len Sorensen

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