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HP DV9540 laptop AMD64 with nVidia G8400M graphic card will not start in X mode

I just bought a new laptop.

I have X window 7.1.1 installed

First I tried to install 32 bit etch, but install could not fine my network.

Then I tried some various k/ubuntu 64 bits, and install started, but ended 
with black screen.

Then I installed etch amd64, and it went well, but when I tried to 
start "startx", I get:
Fatal Server Error - no screens found

I have been on http://wiki.x.org and looked in their FAQ.

I have then tried to change driver: "nvidia", "vesa" and "vga" in 
the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file but none seems to work.

I have tried to run "X -configure" and to run with /root/xorg.conf.new, and 
then I get black screen (same i got from k/ubuntu).

Please answer detailed in a newbie language, as I am not an expert.

I tried to open xorgcfg, but never found that program (tried to find it with 

By the way, I read that I could run both 32 -and 64 bits programs on amd64, 
but not mix.

Thks in advance :-)

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