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Re: debian_amd64_sarge

On Fri, Jun 02, 2006 at 03:36:25PM +0200, Kompar Krisztian wrote:
> I would like to get more information about AMD64 port of debain sarge.
> The stability and reliability is very important for me. For this time
> only official i386 release of sarge are runing on my servers. Now I want
> to use more than 4Gb RAM that is why I am planing to install an AMD64 port
> of debian to my new server.

Well you can use more than 4GB ram on i386 too using PAE, but only 2GB
or so per single application.

> I have some question before install it:
> 	- It will be possibe to upgrade OS from sarge to etch when the etch will be official stable release (at the end of this year)? The release change was well tested on i386 platform and I could change it without any big problem.

I think that is a goal, and it seems pretty likely given the amd64 sarge
is based on the code from debian sarge in general.  The upgrade will
certainly be tested on a lot of other architectures, and I am sure
someone is going to test it on amd64 as well.  I would expect it to

> 	- Does AMD64 port of sarge use the same code as i386 port of sarge? So
> 	  the AMD64 port is as stable and reliable as i386 port?

The source packages are the same, although there is a collection of
additional packages that required changes to compile and make work,
which you can optionally use which are based on modified sources from
sarge (I think it is called stinkypete).

> 	- Are here somebody who use this port on Intel servers for a long time?

I don't currently, since I use my amd64 to compile code for an i386
based router, so I find running i386 main is simpler.  Based on what I
have read, running an intel netburst based machine in 64bit mode is on
average a slight bit slower than in 32bit mode, but if you need more
than 2GB ram for a single application, you have no choice.  And amd
based system runs faster in 64bit mode than in 32bit mode.

Len Sorensen

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