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Re: Problems with lchown..

On 3 Nov 1998, Mikolaj J. Habryn wrote:

> >>>>> "n" == ninjaz  <ninjaz@webexpress.com> writes:
>     n> (alpha-sources-2.0.35-0.2.tar.gz from gatekeeper, latest dpkg
>     n> from ftp.debian.org, and the www.eris.rcpt.to/libc-lchown/
>     n> libc6.1_2.0.7u-1.1_alpha.deb) ?
>   The libc-lchown stuff is only required to use dpkg with a
> 2.1 kernel. Any other combination it will probably break :) With the
> advent of dpkg, it's entirely unnecessary and has been
> pulled.
>   To recap for everyone - first and foremost, you need a new
> kernel. If you're still using the one that the debian installer
> installed all those aeons ago, it isn't going to work. Either compile
> up a 2.1.x (x > 70-something), or a 2.0.35 with the 2.0.35
> alpha-patches .deb (available from http://gige.epy.co.at), or possibly 
> grab a new kernel from the new disk images (do patched ones exist?).
>   Then install the new libc package.
>   Then install the new dpkg package.
>   Don't get the ordering confused :)
> m.

Hmm.  Does this mean I shall rot eternally in the depths of lchown hell
because I was unaware of the proper order?  I recompiled a new kernel with
the debian packages you mentioned, the patch applied fine barring 5 failed
hunks on an aic driver (which I don't use), the system started trying to
fsck the mounted hard-drive as someone said it would when I tried dpkg
-i'ing the new libc6 with the new kernel and still exhibited the lchown
problem, so I rebooted, and tried it again.  Still same lchown troubles,
still trying to fsck a mounted filesystem.  So, I tried force-feeding it
libc6 from data.tar.gz and a root floppy.  This got eveything in place,
but even after a reboot and ldconfig, things are the same.  I even tried
force-feeding a new dpkg after the libc6.  Is all lost?  Should I just go
off and install netbsd or ?  I'd _really_ like to stick with debian, as
it's been my favorite for 3 years, but if this problem is unresolvable
without some sort of complete re-install, let me know that, too. 

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