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Re: 1.2 on SPARC

> From: Ryan Smith-Roberts <rsr@lab.net>
> Don't wait, participate!

I really would like to do that, but I'm afraid that I'm not currently in
a position to be of much use to the effort, personally. Migrating our
20-machine, 50-terminal, 200-users departamental system to Linux and
trying to go on with my research is just about all I can handle.

On the other hand, I do have a couple of idle Alphas here, and I would be
more than happy to lend one of them to the effort, or even both, for an
extended period, if this could be of any help. Antonio, our local Linux
wizard, (afmoraes@fma.if.usp.br) is willing to manage the machines 
locally. He already manages our mirror machine here (linux@if.usp.br).

They are small machines, 100 MHz, generation 4 DEC Alpha 200 stations, one 
with 48 MB of RAM and another with 32 MB, each with a 1 GB disk. I believe
they are known either as XL-Avanti or as Mustang, and they are running
RedHat. We are buying more RAM, and should be able to get some more disk
space on it via NFS if there is any need.

The main problem is network conectivity to the US: we are in Brazil, and
the international lines are always crammed. The botleneck is the 4 Mbps
international line between either steps 3 and 4 or 4 and 5 in the
traceroute output below, from here to the Debian ftp server:

traceroute to santanni.cc.gatech.edu (, 30 hops max, 40 byte packets
 1 (  2.636 ms  2.573 ms  2.529 ms
 2  enterprise.fddi.usp.br (  1.891 ms  1.943 ms  1.85 ms
 3  fpspra.cora.br (  3.197 ms  5.042 ms  3.057 ms
 4  delta.cora.br (  51.725 ms  114.364 ms  5.205 ms
 5  border2-serial4-7.Boston.mci.net (  206.253 ms  213.284 ms  196.539 ms
 6  core-fddi-1.Boston.mci.net (  179.325 ms  214.727 ms 216.409 ms
 7  core2.Boston.mci.net (  204.843 ms  204.789 ms  195.576 ms
 8  core3-hssi-1.WestOrange.mci.net (  232.792 ms  214.291 ms 186.828 ms
 9  borderx1-fddi-1.Atlanta.mci.net (  175.624 ms *  366.653 ms
10  * borderx1-fddi-1.Atlanta.mci.net (  244.827 ms  229.665 ms
11  suranet-ast-ds3.Atlanta.mci.net (  346.064 ms  321.134 ms *
12  atlanta2-cr99.bbnplanet.net (  247.358 ms  359.889 ms 234.093 ms
13  gt-border.gatech.edu (  257.952 ms  247.822 ms  245.773 ms
14 (  239.705 ms  244.929 ms  193.282 ms
15  * santanni.cc.gatech.edu (  240.138 ms  229.848 ms

If this could be of any help, just tell me and we will make arrangements.


        Jorge L. deLyra,  Assistant Professor of Physics
            The University of Sao Paulo,  IFUSP-DFMA
       For more information:  finger delyra@fma.if.usp.br

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