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5.7 Release Plan / Timeline?

Hi Team,

so the first 5.7 packages have already started to enter the archive,
which I guess means we're skipping 5.6 (which I'm fine with).

However, I think some discussion might be warranted first. For example,
some things that have been on my mind are:

  * Breadth: what packages still missing from the stack?

  * Planning: we'll be repeating this process frequently, so we should
    at least take notes now, to streamline future upgrades. For example,
    process difficulty might vary by the order in which we upgrade

  * Upgrading obstabcle, eg: [1]

  * Infrastructure: I was looking forward to seeing how this process
    runs through CI infra, to iron out the final bugs. To that end, it
    would help me if uploaders interact with the platform: what's not
    working for you, what's missing, etc.

  * etc.


[1] https://lists.debian.org/debian-ai/2023/06/msg00108.html

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