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Re: debian installer accessibility for arm64

Hi again,

> Am 18.02.2023 um 10:48 schrieb Christian Schoepplein <chris@schoeppi.net>:
> One other big problem is again the not working caps lock key. AFAIK all key shortcuts to read out the screen in the speech based installer do need this key to navigate through the screen. So maybe I might have been able to proceed with the installation if I were able to read what message the partitioning tool disblayed or if I had know how to go back to the step before and try it again, but I did not how to do that because I do not know what keyboard shortcuts to use :-(.

OK, I tested a little more.

It is possible to use the CMD key as the screen readers key in the installer which works out of the box and where no further configuration is necessary to remap any keyboard key. That is also very good news.

The reason why I am not able to install the system is because of the missing kernel modules. The harddisk can not be found by the installer. But as mensioned before this seems to be because of a missmatch of the kernel in the installer and the mirror.



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