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Re: Debian initramfs/initrd, was Re: stack smashing detected

On Wed, 8 Feb 2023, Stan Johnson wrote:

> On 2/7/23 4:20 PM, Finn Thain wrote:
> > 
> > On Tue, 7 Feb 2023, Stan Johnson wrote:
> > ...
> > Preventing pointless key generation would be beneficial for all Macs, 
> > Amigas, Ataris, emulators etc. and measuring the performance of one model 
> > of Mac versus that of another model seems a bit irrelevant to me.
> > 
> Sure, but unless Debian unsupported is willing to manage config files
> for the various systems, then it's not likely to happen. 

It's easy to refute that. Just read my message from 2 days ago in this 
very thread where I pointed to a different Debian kernel key generation 
issue that got fixed.

> > Moreover, you've shown that your kernel builds produce stack smashing 
> > errors whereas Debian's build does not. To resolve the problem with your 
> > builds, why not begin by eliminating some of the differences between your 
> > build and Debian's?
> The stack smashing appears to be intermittent. And it doesn't show up
> while booting the kernel; it only shows up while sysvinit scripts are
> running (I haven't tested using systemd, since that would be too painful
> on any 68030 slower than about 40 MHz). 

No-one is asking for systemd tests.

> It takes too long to boot slow systems using Debian's kernel to run 
> repeated tests ...

If your m68k machines are too slow, why do you care about stack smashing 
errors at all?

> If the stack smashing is caused by a kernel bug that is hidden by 
> Debian's choice of config options, then it would still be useful to 
> identify the bug. If there is something missing from my config files 
> that is causing the problem, then that would still be a kernel bug in 
> its sanity checking of options.

This is not about sanity checking.

Anyway, if you follow the steps I gave, we all get to learn something 
about the cause of the stack smashing error -- if that's what you want.

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