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Re: trying to run Debian on an Apple


    You'll do fine.  Wish you would have said which "old Mac" you
wanted to run it on, as that may have some bearing on your success.

    I'm presently running the 2.0.33pl1 series kernel and its working
well for me on a Quadra 650.  Had some grief with the ethernet but 
that was resolved recently by Michael Schmitz.  Just yesterday I ran
it all day long while working from home, and it was solid.

    When I work from home I use another Linux box (happens to be 
running RH 5.0) as my masquerading router, and yesterday I used the
Q650 running Debian to run iptraf to watch my network traffic, and
used Lynx on it also, and telnet sessions, etc, just to give it a
bit of a workout.  It didn't miss a beat.


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