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Re: [Debconf-video] A couple of petitions. Syncing subs files and consistency in video.debian.org

On Fri, Jul 29, 2016 at 11:15 PM, Holger Levsen <holger@layer-acht.org> wrote:
Hi alberto,

On Thu, Jul 28, 2016 at 01:48:51PM +0200, alberto fuentes wrote:
> petition #1:
> Can I have the subtitles sync with debian-meetings?

what does this mean in practice, what needs to be done?

manually erase any reminds of subs since the latest version with new name schema (mostly remove subtitles folders):

    find -name '*srt' and remove those folders

copy files. Roughly:
    git clone subtitles; cd subtitles; for i in */; do for j in $i*/; do cp $i$j/* ../$i$j/subs; done; done

Some doubts come to mind tho:
- I wonder if there is a way for me to trigger this copy without bothering anybody
- versioning of the subs files are implied on the file name. That means, every new version the file name changes and old version needs to be removed. I asking about the better way to fix this. Some rsync with -delete? hardlinks to the name without version? Keep the versioning in a separate metadata file altogether?

> petition #2:
> Can I have some consistency in video.debian.org?

I don't think it's useful to move files of historic events around, as
this will break links.

I see why this could be troublesome. hardlinks to the legacy video names? >:)

I guess some metada file about whats on video.debian.net would be the best solution. Some json and start maintaining it every time something gets added. I can make the first of such file if this is indeed a good idea

So even DebConf16 I already wouldn't change anymore. But in future,
consistancy can surely be improved, could you please indicate what we
can improve?

Since you are asking just about ideas, I would recode everything and start anew to remove the cruft... although this is very unlikely to happen x)

I guess a metadata file would fix mostly every wacky decision past or future on the video tree. High/medium/low quality videos is the tag im thinking for the json file... there are old different formats not necessarily high/low quality. I will shoehorn this somehow :P

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