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Re: [Debconf-team] Looking to help out

Hi there Molly and znoteer@hailmail.net,

Molly de Blanc:
> I've lent hands for the past couple of years around diversity
> scholarships and a few other things here and there. Who (and what) needs
> some extra hands and eyes right now?

> I live in Montreal.  I've been using Debian since either Hamm or Bo.
> I'm not a developer, just a humble user, but I love Debian.  I'd like
> to help with DebConf in Montreal this summer.

Thanks for offering your help, it's most welcome :)

We mostly use either this mailing list or the IRC channel[0] to organise.

[0]: #debconf-team on the OFTC network.

IRC is really the best way to poke ppl and to exchange ideas/details
quikly with others. it's also there that we have regular meetings:
currently we have meetings each monday at 10:00 EDT (so 14:00 UTC).
Those meetings are mostly for status report and coordination but
sometimes some actions come up and you can suggest your name to do them :)

if you're uncomfortable with IRC, no biggie: you can suggest to take on
a task by email too. we usually send meeting summaries to this list so
you can see what's happening and what might need some attention.

right now we're trying to:

 * finish what's needed to open up registration. this means some last
changes are needed in the django website using wafer.
 * get some artwork done for banners
 * continue pushing to get more sponsors
 * review talk submissions, encourage ppl to send more of them, and
eventually prepare a schedule
 * come up with a plan for day trip with different options that ppl can
then choose during the conference
 * once registration is open, we'll have to bootstrap the bursaries
program, reviewing requests for them etc.

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