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Re: [Debconf-team] Food costs for externals (was: DC15 - Prices and deals for non-sponsored attendees)

martin f krafft <madduck@debconf.org> writes:

> also sprach Giacomo Catenazzi <cate@debian.org> [2015-01-19 16:04 +0100]:
>> - We need the lunch and dinner costs for non-hosted attendees.
> Each meal will be about 7€.
> Just for the record, I am not much in favour for catering to
> externals. The youth hostel has a high standard and we would like an
> integrative conference. If John Doe thinks he's too good for
> a hostel bed, then he can pay us e.g. 25 € or so per day for food.

I'm not sure this is what you're suggesting, but if you're suggesting
that we categorically refuse to sponsor food for anyone not staying on
site, I think that's counterproductive.  From a pragmatic point of view,
we're talking about a tiny number of cases; from a more "idealistic"
point of view I think that as much as practical we should let people
contribute to DebConf (and to Debian) on their own terms.


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