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Re: [Debconf-team] Contract

Holger Levsen dijo [Wed, Nov 14, 2012 at 12:01:08PM +0100]:
> > - Remove requirement for 300 people (that day?  ever?) before camping
> > is allowed
> I really dont think it's useful to be picky about minor points now. IOW: 
> I seriously doubt it will be a problem if we have, say 250 people and 
> then a few in tents. (In fact I rather think its more likely we will be 
> overbooked anyway...)

Right... We trust them to be nice and friendly. But it would be very
good to remove this issue from the contract. Some people might want to
sleep in tents during DebCamp, where we will be surely less than 300
people, and it would be silly to demand them to wait until they no
longer fit in the rooms. I trust that won't happen, but it's part of
what we are signing — Lets try to sign what corresponds to the
(expected) facts.

FWIW I don't think we will face such a big overbooking as others
expect/fear. Many people won't want to attend with the dormitory
conditions. And that's fine — It is some way of self-regulation :)

As for other questions regarding the contract, I might be dumb here,
but... "Lunch formula" means "a lighter lunch than what we offer for
6CHF more"? As in "sandwiches and cold buffet"? Otherwise I don't
really understand why two consecutive lines ("Meal prices" section)
mention 40CHF and 34CHF for food.

> - Fold up the bedcovers or duvuts according to the instructions on
>   the back of the doors.

I don't know the instructions, but I hope we can just do a moderate
tidy-up of sleeping places every day, not leave everything spotless

> - Wine: corkage charge to be determined based on estimated
>   consumption

Is there any estimate on this? I'm not only worried about the C&W
party (although it's the largest wine consumption moment), but about
drinks not sold at LeCamp. People will have cars, and will quite
probably buy stuff outside. Corkage is usually quite expensive
here... Will we have to pay a flat rate to be able to eat+drink
whatever we bring from the outside? How can this estimation be done?

> - Putting 2 coffee machines at the bar: 2 CHF -- coffee charged to
>   DebConf13 by Le Camp

So, they will put the machines but each consumed coffee will be sold?
This could be handled using a "tip jar" as we have done in the

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