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Re: [Debconf-team] Looking for bilingual speakers to join press team.

> Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian (I'd love for a couple folks from the DC11
> localteam to join the press team)

I'm in, but then again we have Enis who's a "professional" journalist :)


On Fri, Jul 23, 2010 at 7:14 PM, Brian Gupta <brian.gupta@brandorr.com> wrote:
> In particular it would be great if we could find speakers that spoke
> English and some other language. I've started a list below of
> languages that I think *might* be priority:
> Bosnian/Croatian/Serbian (I'd love for a couple folks from the DC11
> localteam to join the press team)
> Spanish (Since many previous DebConfs have been in Spanish speaking
> countries, and it would be great to keep the news flow going)
> German (Many Debian Developers speak German, and Germany has a large
> enough population to host Miniconfs.)
> French (First two DebConfs held in France)
> Portuguese (DC4 in Brazil)
> Norweigan (DC3 in Norway)
> Finnish (DC6 in Finland)
> Since Debian is such a large multicultural and multilingual community
> we want help from folks that speak every language in the world, as we
> will want to translate press releases back and forth between these
> languages and need assistance coordinating with journalists that speak
> these languages.
> Thanks,
> -Brian
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