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Re: Question from HUT conference area.


On Tuesday 10 May 2005 12:26, Lars Wirzenius wrote:
> Rooms in the dorm, or meeting rooms and conference rooms in the CS
> building (T-talo)? Not that it really matters, I suspect. Off-hand:

- a video room / place for the video editing crew which (possibly) has 
dedicated 100mbit lines to the autitorium(s) where the talks, bofs & debian 
day will be held

> * dhcp
> * outgoing http
> * outgoing ssh (directly, not via an ssh proxy)
> * outgoing irc
> * dns
> * outgoing smtp (we can set up a smarthost for all debconf users to use,
> if necessary)
> * outgoing smtp-over-ssl-or-tls-or-whatever for those who want to user
> their company / home smtp server

- outgoing ftp
- outgoing rsync (to syncronize our mirror or do we use http for that? or dont 
we setup one ?)
- outgoing imap(s)
- outgoing pop3(s)
- outgoing jabber (secure chat as opossed to irc)
- internal ipsec, not sure about outgoing
- internal nfs

- incoming http (or another way to host the torrent files)
- incoming http (or another host for the big files)
- incoming http (to provide streams (we (video-team) have not really 
investigated/decided how/if we stream... need to decide on that soonish!)

Traffic shaping (either for http or bittorrent or both) would also be 
neccessary. (Although we could set it up ourselves.)

(We'll also need a server and a dns-entry for that...)

How many real+routed ip-addresses do we get ?

> Outgoing here meaning "goes outside the Otaniemi networks". We need to
> be able to set up http, ssh, smtp, and possibly dns servers within the
> network for our own use, but they don't need to be accessible from
> outside Otaniemi.

> Or am I completely mistaken?

AFAIU not ;)


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