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Pack up your previous debconf shirts :)

    Hello there,

 as it has become a tradition already, I plan to coordinate another
DebconfShirts photo this year.  If you haven't heard about it yet:

 Bring some of your former visited debconf's attendee shirts with you
and let's gather to create one photo with all of them.  This is the one
we took last year: https://photos.app.goo.gl/kACDF8mE8Zp2AHzH8

 So if you can bring along attendee shirts from former debconfs with
you, please consider packing them up and adding the information which
you brought with you into this wiki page:


 Especially if you have shirts that are usually hard to have around
because it were the early debconfs or ones that weren't as well attended
as dc15 feel free to put them higher up on your priority picks. :)

 Thanks in advance, see and hug you soon!

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