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Re: local transport: airport -> Hsinchu downtown

On सोमवार 23 जुल॰ 2018 03:30 अपराह्न, Ralf Treinen wrote:
> Hello,
> can you please give some advice for those who want to go from Taoyuan
> airport directly to the area of the downtown train station (TRA), for
> instance because they have accomodation in that area? Is it
> possible/advisable to take a train that goes directly to Hsinchu
> TRA station? Otherwise, if one takes HSR, there seems to be a shuttle
> train from Hsinchu HSR to Hsinchu TRA. Can one pay this train with
> EasyCard? Or do you recommend to take a bus?
You can pay by the easycard in the public transport buses as well.
It is reccomended to use the instructions on the wiki here.
and if you get in trouble at any point of time, call the numbers on the
wiki homepage. https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf18
> -Ralf.

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