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[Debconf-announce] DebConf17 progress report

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Hi everyone!

For several months now, the orga team has been working hard to
organise the next DebConf. Our main focus areas so far have been
venue, accommodation and fundraising.

As a reminder, DebConf17 will take place in Montreal, Canada, from
August 6 to August 12, 2017. It will be preceded by DebCamp, July 31st
to August 4th, and Open Day, August 5th.

You'll find lots of practical information on our wiki [0] but expect
all the crucial bits such as advice on visa procedures to appear on
the website [1].

[0]: https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf17
[1]: https://debconf17.debconf.org/

Here are a few data points we thought might interest you:


The venue for DC17 will be Collège de Maisonneuve [2], a public CEGEP
institution attended by over 6000 students annually and located a few
kilometers from downtown Montreal. The city's botanical gardens and
Olympic complex will be within walking distance, so be sure to plan
some down time to visit the surroundings!

[2]: http://www.openstreetmap.org/way/46866370

Registration timeline

We are still working on our registration timeline and things might
still change, but for now, we are aiming for this:

*Registration Opens*: March 15th
*Bursary Registrations Close*: May 1st
*Bursary Attribution Process*: May 1st to May 31st
*Confirmation*: June 1st to July 1st

Any changes to this timeline will be announced here.

Visa application

If you need a visa, it might not be a bad idea to apply for it as soon
as you can. Please consult the section of our website detailing how to
visit Montreal for more information on this [3].

Don't hesitate to contact the visa team if you have any questions.

[3]: https://debconf17.debconf.org/about/visiting-montreal/


Arrangements for conference accommodation are now mostly settled. In
addition to classroom dorms, we were able to secure housing at the
downtown McGill university student residences, as well as a nearby
hotel, the Hôtel Universel Montréal. See our Accommodation wiki page
[4] for all the details.

[4]: https://wiki.debconf.org/wiki/DebConf17/Accomodation

Call for Proposals

We recently sent out the call for talk proposals. If you want to
submit a talk to DebConf, please do! Our content team has proposed the
following conference tracks:

* Blends
* Debian in Science
* Cloud and containers
* Social context
* Packaging, policy and infrastructure
* Embedded
* Systems administration, automation and orchestration
* Security

If you have a talk proposal that does not fall into these categories,
don't hesitate to propose it nonetheless!

You can find more information about the call for proposals on our
website [5].

[5]: https://debconf17.debconf.org/cfp/


The DebConf Team


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