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[Debconf-announce] First batch of accepted DebConf16 talks and final CfP reminder

DebConf16: First batch of accepted events (and Call for Proposals Reminder: 4
days left!)

The DebConf Team is pleased to announce the first batch of accepted
events that will be part of the DebConf16 conference:

 * "Surviving the Next 23 Years of Free Software" by Karen Sandler
 * "Reproducible Builds status update" by Chris Lamb & Holger Levsen
 * "We need you to release Debian" by the Release Team
 * "Software Heritage: Building the Universal Software Archive" by Nicolas Dandrimont
 * "Testing Debian-Installer using jenkins.debian.{net,org}" by Philip Hands

In addition, there will be the usual set of lightning talks, live demos and
lots of informal discussions.

Call for Proposals Deadline Reminder

The DebConf Content Team would also like to remind you that all proposals must
be submitted before Sunday 15 May 2016 to be evaluated for the official

Submitting an Event

Submit a talk [1] and describe your proposal. Please note, events are not
limited to traditional presentations or informal sessions (BoFs). We welcome
submissions of tutorials, performances, art installations, debates, or any
other format of event that you think would be beneficial to the Debian

[1]: <https://debconf16.debconf.org/talks/new/>

Please include a short title, suitable for a compact schedule, and an engaging
description of the event. You should use the field "Notes" to provide us
information such as additional speakers, scheduling restrictions, or any
special requirements we should consider for your event.

Registration Reminder

We remind you that registration for DebConf is open. Please log into the
DebConf16 website and register from your profile page. [2] Registration is now
in the reconfirmation phase. If you have already registered, please reconfirm
your attendance.

[2]: <https://debconf16.debconf.org/accounts/profile/>

Contact and Thanks to Sponsors

DebConf would not be possible without the generous support of all our sponsors,
especially our platinum sponsor HPE [3]. DebConf16 is still accepting sponsors;
if you are interested, or think you know of others who would be willing to
help, please get in touch [4]!

[3]: <http://www.hpe.com/engage/opensource>
[4]: <https://debconf16.debconf.org/get-involved/>

You are welcome to contact the Content Team with any concerns about your event,
or with any ideas or questions about DebConf events in general.  You can reach
us at <content@debconf.org>.

We hope to see you all in Cape Town!

The DebConf 16 team

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