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Re: Graft-POints with Path-List


> If it works, I'll use it. 

If it does not work, i count on you to tell me.
(It works for me and my users since two years)

> 	Quick question, though - On the line:
> > /files/file1.vox=/archive/file1.vox
> 	On which side of the "=" is the 'original' file, and which is where
>  I want it to end up on the CD? (Look like the left side has where I wanti
> it, right where it *IS* in the filesystem.)

Yes. That's what the f... manual and daily experience sugest :))
man mkisofs :

       will include the  file  old.lis  in  the  cdrom  image  at
       /foo/bar/old.lis, while


       will  include  the  file  old.lis  in  the  cdrom image at
There are more interesting details around that text snippet.

About Mihai Ibanescu's proposal with sed and the shell's restriction
with the number of arguments :
       -path-list file
                                            If the argument is
              -, then the list is read from the standard input.
So, a pipe like this should work around argument limits :

   sed ... <files.lst | mkisofs ... -path-list - ...

I did not try that myself, though.

Have a nice day :)


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