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Re: [Nbd] network block device

I configured nbd-server correctly in server side now I want to access the /dev/sda1   block device in client side I write his command # nbd-client 9000 /dev/nbd0
but it give following error
negotiation: error: server closed connection

On Friday, May 22, 2015 8:13 AM, Wouter Verhelst <w@...112...> wrote:

On Thu, May 21, 2015 at 08:23:02PM +0000, wadood rahimi wrote:
> [ubuntu 14.04]
> Given the following config file:
> ---- /etc/nbd-server/config ----
>  [generic]
>  # If you want to run everything as root rather than the nbd user, you
>  # may either say "root" in the two following lines, or remove them
>  # altogether. Do not remove the [generic] section, however.
>  user = nbd
>  group = nbd

>  oldstyle = true
> # What follows are export definitions.. You may create as much of them as
>  # you want, but the section header has to be unique.
>  [disk1]
>          exportname = /data/sda1
>          port = 9000
>  ------------
> When you restart nbd-server the following severe-sounding warning is reported:
> ------------
>  # service nbd-server restart
>  Restarting the Network Block Device server is pretty harsh on clients still
> using it.
>  waiting 5 seconds...You have been warned!

That part is a warning which you receive from the init script, because
killing an nbd-server kills all connections it's serving. It's just a
warning, so don't worry about it if you're not running anything on the
server (you also don't get it if you run 'stop', and it has no influence
on the exit state)

>  Restarting Network Block Device server: Stopping Network Block Device server:
> nbd-server.
> ** (process:19655): WARNING **: A port was specified, but oldstyle exports were
> not requested. This may not do what you expect.
> ** (process:19655): WARNING **: Please read 'man 5 nbd-server' and search for
> oldstyle for more info
>  nbd-server.

That part should be fairly self-explanatory. Please read the man page if
you don't understand it.

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