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Re: [Nbd] [NBD]A problem about nbd-client

On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 11:41:12AM +0800, harryxiyou wrote:
> nbd-client.c
> ....
> int opennet(char *name, int port, int sdp) {
> 	int sock;
> 	char portstr[6];
> 	struct addrinfo hints;
> 	struct addrinfo *ai = NULL;
> 	struct addrinfo *rp = NULL;
> 	int e;
> 	snprintf(portstr, sizeof(portstr), "%d", port);
> 	memset(&hints,'\0',sizeof(hints));
> ....
> }
> .....
> I don't know why we use 'memset(&hints,'\0',sizeof(hints));', what
> about 'memset(&hints,0,sizeof(hints));' instead?

There isn't much of a practical difference, really. '\0' is "the
character to end a string with", which is a null (zero) byte. 0 is "the
number zero", which (after a cast) is the same thing as '\0'.

The only difference is that '\0' is a char, whereas 0 is an int. Since
memset wants a char, compilers might warn about passing 0 rather than
'\0'. But in practice...

> I usually use 'memset(&hints,0,sizeof(hints));'

... this will work, too.

> to initialize these memory. Cloud anyone tell me the difference beween
> these two methods?  Actually i think '\0' is a terminal character of
> an array, right?

That too, yes.

The volume of a pizza of thickness a and radius z can be described by
the following formula:

pi zz a

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