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Re: [Nbd] nbd-client: timeout option not working

2011/8/24 Paul Clements <paul.clements@...856...>:
> If you need any pointers, I can help. Compiling just nbd.ko is not too bad.

Thank you, help would be appreciated :-)
I already know how to compile a kernel but I never tried to compile a
single module.

These are the steps. Correct me if I'm worng:

Download my debian kernel sources.
Find the file.
Apply the changes.
Compile the module (how?)
Load the module
Test nbd-client

Googeling I found this:

make modules SUBDIRS=drivers/the_module_directory
in our case
make modules SUBDIRS=drivers/block

Then I manualy remove
anc copy the new nbd.ko


ps: in that way I copile all modules of a directory, not just one.

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